Life as I know it: Challenging Yourself

Sometimes you challenge yourself without intending to…

I can’t say what really prompted me to wake up on June 1st and decide that I needed to start running, but that’s when it began. Perhaps it was our 3 days of feasting during our trip to Lake Gananoque in Canada to fish for Memorial Day weekend. Or maybe it was my upcoming birthday that was looming and having a harder time than usual keeping the pounds off in the last couple of years. Who knows what was really going through my mind at the time, but I that morning I began running.

I’ve stopped and started running many times over the last few years. Just couldn’t get past that first week or two of pain in my shins or not being able to level out my breathing. This time was different though. I didn’t follow a plan per se, but had a mental picture of how to increase my time running each week. I kept at it and even managed to use the hotel gym to keep up my training during a long weekend in Las Vegas with My Husband and two good friends. I just kept at it, and consistency has been the key to getting to a point where I am not huffing and puffing while running. I also found that it’s a great stress reliever when you know there’s a hard day at work ahead of you. It puts me in a better frame of mind before starting the day.

When I started I didn’t have the goal of running a 5k in mind, just that I wanted to be more fit and get to where I was maintaining rather than gaining weight. As the summer went on, I did start thinking that a goal of finishing a 5k would keep me motivated to stay on track with my running.

Well, recently, this non-runner finished a 5k! Now, I did have to slow down to a walk a few times and I’m totally ok with that. I finished in a run and it felt good to complete it. Now, I want to be able to run another 5k but with fewer stops to walk – if any – and decrease the time it takes to get through it. That is my next challenge and this time it’s intentional.

I know that this is a departure from my usual recipe sharing, but sometimes you have to go with what inspires you at the moment. You may see more posts like this going forward sprinkled in between recipes and other family related thoughts.

When was the last time you challenged yourself and how did it go?

Please note that all photos and content belong to Patsy Kreitman, unless otherwise noted. If you want to use something please ask first.
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Congratulations! That's inspiring.
Patsyk said…
Thank you! I never would have imagined I would actually enjoy running, but I've gotten to a point where it's part of my routine.
Jamie said…
Thanks for the story and inspiration Patsy. I'm at that point where I need to challenge mayself and make a change. I really want to get back to a regular exercise routine. Keep on running and sharing your success and challenges.
Loved this post Patsy. you know I have been following your progress and cheering you on! Proud of you and what you have done!
Congrats Patsy! I have been running for a long time and the races can be so much fun.
Aggie said…
Congrats Patsy!! What a great feeling! I remember when I started running 5ks, it was awesome. I am challenging myself right now by training for a half marathon in's not only a challenge b/c of distance but also b/c I've never LOVED running....though the more I run the more I like it!

Have a great weekend! Thanks for the inspiration!
Amanda said…
That. Is. Awesome. Well done!!! I know how hard they are, and it is NO small feat!! Congrats!!

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