Steamy Kitchen's Balsamic Teriyaki Sauce
When I first started blogging, I came across a funny food blog written by Jaden Hair - Steamy Kitchen. I loved her sense of humor and her food photos had my mouth watering from the first moment I laid eyes on them! She is a huge food blogging success story in that she has a huge following and has written her own cookbook.
The Steamy Kitchen Cookbook is filled with the same mouth-watering photos you find on her blog, well, because she took each and every single one of them! She is a very talented lady! Her recipes are all Asian inspired and from the reviews I've seen on other blogs over the past year, making them at home may make your local take-out restaurant wonder what has happened to you!
This week, I pulled out this cookbook (which has a dozen or more post-its marking recipes to try), and decided to make the sauce she uses for her Grilled Steak with Balsamic Teriyaki. She suggests using the sauce as either a marinade or a steak sauce. Since balsamic is a hit-or-miss in my house, I opted to add it to my sliced London broil after rather than marinate it.
As you can see from the photos, this is a several step process. But, don't let that dissuade you from trying it, the flavor is intense and worth the effort! It's not a complicated list of ingredients, but things you may find in your pantry on any given day. Putting together garlic, Balsamic vinegar, sugar and a few other items will produce a flavorful steak sauce that you will want to find a way to eat every last drop! I loved the way the sauce thickened up and it really had a hint of Asian flavor - but that was not overwhelming. Even My Husband, who doesn't usually like balamic sauces enjoyed this one. Next time, I will try using it as a marinade and see how the flavor is infused into the meat.
Rather than share the recipe here, I am going to suggest you purchase the cookbook! Jaden has not shared the recipes on her blog so, I'd rather not step on toes and share it here. Below is a link to the cookbook on Amazon, in case you are interested. The cookbook really is filled with fabulous recipes that you won't be able to resist!
Note: I purchased this cookbook and was not asked to do a review of it by anyone. I chose to share it here because I really think it's a cookbook worth owning. I receive a small referral fee if you do choose to purchase the book via the amazon link I provided.
Please note that all photos and content belong to Patsy Kreitman, unless otherwise noted. If you want to use something please ask first.

The Steamy Kitchen Cookbook is filled with the same mouth-watering photos you find on her blog, well, because she took each and every single one of them! She is a very talented lady! Her recipes are all Asian inspired and from the reviews I've seen on other blogs over the past year, making them at home may make your local take-out restaurant wonder what has happened to you!
This week, I pulled out this cookbook (which has a dozen or more post-its marking recipes to try), and decided to make the sauce she uses for her Grilled Steak with Balsamic Teriyaki. She suggests using the sauce as either a marinade or a steak sauce. Since balsamic is a hit-or-miss in my house, I opted to add it to my sliced London broil after rather than marinate it.
As you can see from the photos, this is a several step process. But, don't let that dissuade you from trying it, the flavor is intense and worth the effort! It's not a complicated list of ingredients, but things you may find in your pantry on any given day. Putting together garlic, Balsamic vinegar, sugar and a few other items will produce a flavorful steak sauce that you will want to find a way to eat every last drop! I loved the way the sauce thickened up and it really had a hint of Asian flavor - but that was not overwhelming. Even My Husband, who doesn't usually like balamic sauces enjoyed this one. Next time, I will try using it as a marinade and see how the flavor is infused into the meat.
Rather than share the recipe here, I am going to suggest you purchase the cookbook! Jaden has not shared the recipes on her blog so, I'd rather not step on toes and share it here. Below is a link to the cookbook on Amazon, in case you are interested. The cookbook really is filled with fabulous recipes that you won't be able to resist!
Note: I purchased this cookbook and was not asked to do a review of it by anyone. I chose to share it here because I really think it's a cookbook worth owning. I receive a small referral fee if you do choose to purchase the book via the amazon link I provided.
Please note that all photos and content belong to Patsy Kreitman, unless otherwise noted. If you want to use something please ask first.
Thanks for posting!