Doing It "All" and Chocolate Cut-out Cookies
I make no secret of the fact that I am a mom who works full-time outside of the home. I don't feel the need to go into the reasons for this choice as that is not what this post is about tonight. Over the years, I've had other moms look at things that I do and ask me how I do it with a full-time job. My answer has become "I don't know any different, this is my life." I really feel that you adapt to what life throws at you, and with the economy taking the turn it has the last few years is that I am thankful that we both have jobs and have been able to weather it pretty well.
What often makes people ask this question is the fact that I have always managed to find time to set-up play dates, participate actively in PTA by helping on committees and still find time to make dinner at home. All this and more in spite of working a full day for someone else. I guess the reasoning behind all of these things I do is because I am motivated by how happy these things make My Boys. There are some times when I can't do it all, so I have to scale back what I commit to... saying "no" is something I do when necessary. I am fully aware of what I have time to do and what I know I can't manage based on what is currently happening in My Family's life.
Now, all of these activities require me to be somewhat organized. When it comes to meetings, play dates, game schedules and all that fun stuff... I'm as organized as a person can get. I am totally hooked on the Cozi on-line calendar. I've been using it since September of last year and I keep everything on it. I love that I can download the calendar to the home computer where My Husband can then hook his iPhone up and get the information transferred there as well. Everyone seems to know where they need ot be and when.
When we get a day like last Sunday where it's raining and ugly out, I take advantage and try to make some things in the kitchen. I managed to bake a few different things so that packing snacks and a special cookie treat in the lunch boxes would be easier. When I have time, I prefer to send something homemade rather than pre-packaged goodies. I have to rely on those pre-packaged things to a certain degree, but prefer to limit the use when I can. With all of us having to get ready to be out of the house in the morning by different times getting lunches and snacks made can be a hectic addition to the routine.
I asked My Boys what they would like as their dessert in their lunch this week. I knew a cookie would be chosen, as I really have no problem sending a homemade cookie as a treat with their lunch. Everything in moderation, right? So, My Youngest and I sat down with my copy of Martha Stewart's Cookies because it has a photo with every single cookie. We settled on the Chocolate Cut-Out cookies, I think he liked that the shape and that there were nonpareils on each cookie. Can't say no to that reasoning!
Now, I'm not usually a fan of rolled cookies. They never roll out as nice as I'd like them to. This time, I tried rolling them out between plastic wrap so I wouldn't have to use additional flour. This worked out pretty well. Once again, I must give Martha credit because these cookies were much easier for me to work with, and the chocolate flavor was outstanding! We added some fun sprinkles right before baking the cookies. Nice deep chocolate flavor, but not so rich that kids won't enjoy them. Everyone in my house has been enjoying them, and I don't mind sending them as a lunchtime treat.
So, really making homemade cookies is something I figure is worth making time for since it makes my family happy. It's all about being organized and making sure there is time for the things that makes you and your family happy. So, you don't help with one committee or don't schedule a play date - in exchange you have some quality time with your family and everyone comes away feeling ready to take on something new the next week. Or at a minimum there are some treats that you can nibble in between activities!
For the full recipe, head on over HERE.
Note: I mention Cozi because I use it and wanted to share it here as something worthwhile. No one asked me to post about that website. Also, the link to the Martha Stewart cookbook will take you to Amazon, where you can get additional information on the book and if you choose to purchase via that link I will receive a small referral fee.
Please note that all photos and content belong to Patsy Kreitman, unless otherwise noted. If you want to use something please ask first.
What often makes people ask this question is the fact that I have always managed to find time to set-up play dates, participate actively in PTA by helping on committees and still find time to make dinner at home. All this and more in spite of working a full day for someone else. I guess the reasoning behind all of these things I do is because I am motivated by how happy these things make My Boys. There are some times when I can't do it all, so I have to scale back what I commit to... saying "no" is something I do when necessary. I am fully aware of what I have time to do and what I know I can't manage based on what is currently happening in My Family's life.
Now, all of these activities require me to be somewhat organized. When it comes to meetings, play dates, game schedules and all that fun stuff... I'm as organized as a person can get. I am totally hooked on the Cozi on-line calendar. I've been using it since September of last year and I keep everything on it. I love that I can download the calendar to the home computer where My Husband can then hook his iPhone up and get the information transferred there as well. Everyone seems to know where they need ot be and when.
When we get a day like last Sunday where it's raining and ugly out, I take advantage and try to make some things in the kitchen. I managed to bake a few different things so that packing snacks and a special cookie treat in the lunch boxes would be easier. When I have time, I prefer to send something homemade rather than pre-packaged goodies. I have to rely on those pre-packaged things to a certain degree, but prefer to limit the use when I can. With all of us having to get ready to be out of the house in the morning by different times getting lunches and snacks made can be a hectic addition to the routine.
So, really making homemade cookies is something I figure is worth making time for since it makes my family happy. It's all about being organized and making sure there is time for the things that makes you and your family happy. So, you don't help with one committee or don't schedule a play date - in exchange you have some quality time with your family and everyone comes away feeling ready to take on something new the next week. Or at a minimum there are some treats that you can nibble in between activities!
For the full recipe, head on over HERE.
Note: I mention Cozi because I use it and wanted to share it here as something worthwhile. No one asked me to post about that website. Also, the link to the Martha Stewart cookbook will take you to Amazon, where you can get additional information on the book and if you choose to purchase via that link I will receive a small referral fee.
Please note that all photos and content belong to Patsy Kreitman, unless otherwise noted. If you want to use something please ask first.