A Look Back at 2009 with Family, Friends and Food (part 2)
The comments from my last post have me smiling ear-to-ear! You are all so kind and it really does thrill me that some of you have tried things I've shared here and enjoyed them! With 2010 making its way much faster than I ever thought it would, we'll continue on with some more favorite posts from 2009.
One of My Husband's favorite desserts has been Blueberry Crumb Cake which is a recipe I got from his mom and finally made it to share here last summer. It was every bit as yummy as it should be and I know it will make another appearance (or two!) next summer.
Cooking Light has been a favorite source for recipes throughout the year and this one for Chicken Scallopini was not only delicious, but it photographed really nicely. And, as my original post notes, don't skip the sauce it adds the perfect extra layer of flavor!
In August, we took a road-trip out to visit My Family in Missouri and My Mom baked my favorite cake recipe, Red Devil's Food Cake. This cake remains my favorite and I recommend keeping it in the fridge and nibbling on it the next day... so moist and hard to resist! While we were out there, I had the pleasure of sharing a meal and going to see Julie & Julia with Kristin of Dine & Dish and Sandie of Inn Cuisine. It was such a pleasure to meet two of my food blogging friends face-to-face and share a meal together.
This is another dessert, but you really must try this when you have a large potluck to go to, Frozen Caramel Toffee Ice Cream Sandwich Dessert. I found this on Recipegirl's website and just couldn't pass it up! It's completely decadent and worth each and every calorie in it. Just be sure to hit the gym the next day!
If you have been reading my blog for very long, you know I have a love affair with chocolate so I couldn't pass up revisiting Martha's recipe for Chocolate Surprise Cookies. These cookies were so hard to resist once they were done. Try them, just make sure to package up the rest for a neighbor or dear friend.
I was so happy to finally find a lightened version of Sweet Potato Casserole that My Husband liked enough to add to our Thanksgiving menu this year! He loves having the marshmallows on top, and this recipe is so easy to prepare it could easily replace other versions without any complaints.
I pulled out my pressure cooker and managed to come up with a really amazing Mushroom Risotto. I've made it again and it's been requested by My Husband and Oldest so, I know it is loved when that happens! I'm working on some other variations that I will share once I have the kinks worked out with them. Don't be afraid of pressure cookers! The new one's are so easy to use and it really does speed up cooking times on so many recipes.
It was really fun to look back and read through some of my posts this past year and my photos. Some are more mouth-watering than others, but I'm working on that still. Now, what can you look forward to in 2010 when it comes to Family, Friends and Food?
Well, I've signed up for Recipegirl's 10 in '10 challenge. 10 Weeks to Healthy 2010 - For more information, check out her post - there's still time to join in - even if you don't have a blog! There are over 150 people signed up to participate and offer support to each other via Twitter and a Sparkpeople team. So, every Saturday, my post will focus on health conscious information ranging from exercise, recipes, books and anything else I may find interesting enough to share. Its a way of keeping me accountable to the challenge, but the main focus of my blog will remain recipes and food throughout the biggest portion of the week.
I know my posts have been a bit sporadic the last couple of months, but I hope to get 2-3 posts up a week with recipes to share. I enjoy cooking and sharing what we have enjoyed, so I should be able to manage that.
While I work on getting some fabulous new recipes made and ready to share, go out and enjoy New Year's Eve! I wish each and every one of you who takes the time to read my blog a Happy and Healthy New Year and may 2010 be everything you hope for and more!
Be safe during the rest of this holiday season!
Please note that all photos and content belong to Patsy Kreitman, unless otherwise noted. If you want to use something please ask first.

One of My Husband's favorite desserts has been Blueberry Crumb Cake which is a recipe I got from his mom and finally made it to share here last summer. It was every bit as yummy as it should be and I know it will make another appearance (or two!) next summer.
From Family, Friends and Food |
Cooking Light has been a favorite source for recipes throughout the year and this one for Chicken Scallopini was not only delicious, but it photographed really nicely. And, as my original post notes, don't skip the sauce it adds the perfect extra layer of flavor!
From Family, Friends and Food |
In August, we took a road-trip out to visit My Family in Missouri and My Mom baked my favorite cake recipe, Red Devil's Food Cake. This cake remains my favorite and I recommend keeping it in the fridge and nibbling on it the next day... so moist and hard to resist! While we were out there, I had the pleasure of sharing a meal and going to see Julie & Julia with Kristin of Dine & Dish and Sandie of Inn Cuisine. It was such a pleasure to meet two of my food blogging friends face-to-face and share a meal together.
From Family, Friends and Food |
This is another dessert, but you really must try this when you have a large potluck to go to, Frozen Caramel Toffee Ice Cream Sandwich Dessert. I found this on Recipegirl's website and just couldn't pass it up! It's completely decadent and worth each and every calorie in it. Just be sure to hit the gym the next day!
From Family, Friends and Food |
From Family, Friends and Food |
I was so happy to finally find a lightened version of Sweet Potato Casserole that My Husband liked enough to add to our Thanksgiving menu this year! He loves having the marshmallows on top, and this recipe is so easy to prepare it could easily replace other versions without any complaints.
I pulled out my pressure cooker and managed to come up with a really amazing Mushroom Risotto. I've made it again and it's been requested by My Husband and Oldest so, I know it is loved when that happens! I'm working on some other variations that I will share once I have the kinks worked out with them. Don't be afraid of pressure cookers! The new one's are so easy to use and it really does speed up cooking times on so many recipes.
From Family, Friends and Food |
Well, I've signed up for Recipegirl's 10 in '10 challenge. 10 Weeks to Healthy 2010 - For more information, check out her post - there's still time to join in - even if you don't have a blog! There are over 150 people signed up to participate and offer support to each other via Twitter and a Sparkpeople team. So, every Saturday, my post will focus on health conscious information ranging from exercise, recipes, books and anything else I may find interesting enough to share. Its a way of keeping me accountable to the challenge, but the main focus of my blog will remain recipes and food throughout the biggest portion of the week.
I know my posts have been a bit sporadic the last couple of months, but I hope to get 2-3 posts up a week with recipes to share. I enjoy cooking and sharing what we have enjoyed, so I should be able to manage that.
While I work on getting some fabulous new recipes made and ready to share, go out and enjoy New Year's Eve! I wish each and every one of you who takes the time to read my blog a Happy and Healthy New Year and may 2010 be everything you hope for and more!
Be safe during the rest of this holiday season!
Please note that all photos and content belong to Patsy Kreitman, unless otherwise noted. If you want to use something please ask first.
Glad you're in on the healthy challenge. Make that over 180 people signed up at this point! I've never used SparkPeople before, but I plan to track my food & fitness and we'll see how it goes. As team leader, I think I can start forum topics for our group and have open discussion opportunities. I'll have to go on and check it out before Saturday. Good luck w/ the challenge!
They're are several others I want to try too. Have a great New Years!