Cooking Light: Banana Nut Energy Bars
With the holiday season in full swing, we all could use a bit more energy. And, our conscious tells us not to visit the food court while we are at the mall shopping, right? It’s filled with too many calories for the amount of exercise we are squeezing in this month. So, what do you do? Well, if you know you are heading to the mall to pick up those last minute gifts, think ahead and throw a healthy snack into your purse (or jacket pocket).
When I was looking for recipes to share during Shelby’s, Grumpy's Honeybunch, and my week of Cooking Light posts, I wanted something to help keep the energy up while shopping and getting through the marathon baking sessions that we are all doing this time of year. When I saw the Banana Nut Energy Bars, I knew I had hit the jackpot!
These bars are filled with healthy ingredients that are meant to keep you filled with energy without the sugar rush (and crash). The addition of banana keeps them moist, but not too moist that they will fall apart in your bag. You could substitute other nuts in them according to your preferences very easily.
Not only are these bars great for keeping your energy up while shopping, they would make a great snack to send with your kids to school or even for right before heading out to a sports activity.
Please note that all photos and content belong to Patsy Kreitman, unless otherwise noted. If you want to use something please ask first.

When I was looking for recipes to share during Shelby’s, Grumpy's Honeybunch, and my week of Cooking Light posts, I wanted something to help keep the energy up while shopping and getting through the marathon baking sessions that we are all doing this time of year. When I saw the Banana Nut Energy Bars, I knew I had hit the jackpot!
From Family, Friends and Food |
Not only are these bars great for keeping your energy up while shopping, they would make a great snack to send with your kids to school or even for right before heading out to a sports activity.
Please note that all photos and content belong to Patsy Kreitman, unless otherwise noted. If you want to use something please ask first.
How I keep my energy? A cup of good tea couple of times a day - that's all :)
Thanks for the giveaway !!
Throughout the month of December, I always have the end of the semester craziness, what with grading papers, writing papers of my own, giving and grading finals, plus Christmas shopping, baking, and partaking in festivities. I have no spare time, and all those festivities I mentioned always require me to make something delicious, so in comes chocolate...