The Pie Project: Pies from the Movie "Waitress"
A couple weeks ago, I was on Twitter and saw a tweet from Sandie at Inn Cuisine about the movie "Waitress". She had shared a tweet from Donal who writes the Good Mood Food Blog that had a link to recipes for the pies made in the movie. Then, I got a message from Sandie later in the day suggesting since there were 5 pies on the link and 5 of us all seemed to think they sounded yummy we should come together to do a Pie Project! We all selected one pie and are sharing our results today! At the end of this post you will find all of the links to their blogs so you can see what they made.

If you haven't seen the movie, you may not understand why the pies are so important. You see, Jenna, the main character, creates new pies throughout the movie that encompass what she is feeling. Jenna is in a miserable marriage to a controlling man, and finds out she's pregnant. She's very upset about this news as she just wants to save up some money and get away and open her own pie shop. This is actually a cute movie with Keri Russell (you might remember her from Felicity) that is worth renting.
The pie I made was called " Baby Screamin' Its Head Off In The Middle of the Night & Ruinin' My Life". This recipe was really a cheesecake and not so much a pie. Which is fine as I do enjoy a nice, creamy cheesecake. This was the first one I've made in quite a few years, and the first one I actually used a water bath during the baking. I must tell you that the water bath is KEY to keeping it from cracking on the top. My only issue with this "pie" was that the baking time really should have been longer than the 70 minutes as I had a problem with the bottom half of the "pie" not quite setting up firm enough.
From Family, Friends and Food |
Now this recipe is not for the faint of heart or anyone watching what they are eating... unless you can follow the advice I learned at Weight Watchers... 3 bites! 1st one is for that first fabulous taste, 2nd one is just as good as the first, 3rd one isn't any better or worse and by then the flavor craving is satisfied.
You can find the full recipe for this and the other recipes we made for the Pie Project HERE if you'd like to try it yourself. The recipe is missing the exact amount of cornstarch to be added, so I went with 1/8 teaspoon.
Please take a moment and visit each of these other fabulous blogs today to see what pie they each made and their results. They are bound to be extraordinary!
Donal ( - Marshmallow Mermaid Pie
Sandie ( - I Don't Want Earl's Baby Pie
Lori ( - I Can't Have No Affair Because It's Wrong & I Don't Want Earl To Kill Me Pie
Tiffany ( - Falling In Love Pie