Quick and Easy Sausage Calzones
If you have been reading my blog for very long, you know that I like to have a few quick & easy dishes I can make without having to think about them ahead of time. Tonight, I had a plan to use some sweet turkey sausage I had in the fridge. Since My Boys love sausage, I thought I might be able to create a calzone they would dig into and really love.
We've had calzones before, and even though they were tasty they weren't something they would ask for again. I even asked some of my Facebook friends for new name ideas to entice them into eating them... one was "pigs in a sleeping bag" while another was "flying sauce-ers" (that one was courtesy of my blogging friend, Janet of LaDue & Crew). Unfortunately, cute names did not do the trick. They would prefer just cheese inside and nothing else - basically the Pizza Bubble Ring is what they wanted. My Husband and I loved them, so I think they will be out-voted on this one and will be asked to try them again.
From Family, Friends and Food |
If you make your own pizza dough and keep it in the freezer or fridge (if its from Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day: The Discovery That Revolutionizes Home Baking
I would love to read what fillings for calzones you enjoy in a calzone. So, do tell if you could add anything what would it be?
Thanks for posting this!