Spaghetti with Mushrooms, Garlic and Oil
I bet you are thinking that with a title like that, this post is not going to be as healthy as the last few. Well, you'd be wrong! I met Gina who writes Gina's Weight Watcher Recipes on Twitter and she's always sharing great recipes that are full of flavor. I've got tons of them bookmarked to try, but for last night's meal it was time to try her Spaghetti with Mushrooms, Garlic and Oil.
I serve pasta as a side many nights of the week, and have been trying to incoporate more whole wheat pastas to make them healthier. My family is not as crazy about the whole wheat, so I switch it back and forth to accomodate their tastes as well as mine. Tonight, I opted for white pasta with this recipe, but think that it would compliment whole wheat very nicely.
Using baby portobello mushrooms is key to adding that meaty flavor to this pasta. I added the red pepper flakes as per the recipe, which I don't always do because My Boys won't eat them. I knew they'd opt for plain pasta as neither of them loves mushrooms quite as much as I do. I just tossed my portion of pasta with the mushrooms for dinner.
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For such a simple dish, I absolutely loved it! It's something I could throw together rather easily on a busy weeknight, which is always a bonus for me. Gina has calculated the points on this recipe to be 5.75 and you can find the recipe HERE.
Pasta looks so yumm an di love mushrooms so this has to be dleicous.