Clean Out the Frige Stir-Fry

With the week quickly coming to an end, and not a moment too soon as far as I am concerned, it was time to go through the refrigerator and use up what was left. As I rummaged through my over-stuffed refrigerator, I discovered some nice button mushrooms, scallions and beautiful green and red bell peppers. They were all crying out - "Don't let me go to waste!" - so, I figured a quick stir-fry was in order. Since this was going to be a dinner based on what we had on hand, I decided to throw together a quick sauce to season the veggies and sliced chicken breast that I'd be stir-frying. I found a nearly empty bottle of Teriyaki sauce (about 1/4 cup left) and mixed that with just under a 1/4 cup canola oil... it still needed something because it had too much "bite" to it, so I mixed in about 2 tablespoons brown sugar... and then about 1 teaspoon of low-sodium soy sauce. It probably could have been a bit better with a touch of Hoisin sauce, but I was afraid the spice might mean a revolt by my two boys, so I left it out this time.
My youngest declared the chicken "yummy", my oldest was unimpressed... and my Husband thought it was good, but probably needed "something". I am thinking the sauce needs a bit of tinkering, probably add at least a smidge of the Hoisin sauce next time. Any suggestions? Post a comment on what might be good to try next time around.
Thanks! Have a great weekend!